Student Leadership

Student leadership is developed from the time our students first enter Hereworth, through a number of opportunities culminating in Year 8, where everyone has an opportunity to take on a leadership position that helps with the running of the school. This is fantastic preparation for the world outside Hereworth.

Our 2025 Prefects

Head Boy – Manee Ward

Head Girl – Isla Maloy

Deputy Head Boy – Baxter Craner

Deputy Head Girl – Georgia Pearse

Student Leaders

New to Hereworth, these extended roles give our Year 8 students an opportunity to lead and excel in a specific field. This is the first time these roles have been awarded and we are excited to see what this group of students can accomplish.

We look forward to awarding these roles in 2025.

Performing Arts:  Emma Lu, Sam Allen

Well-being:  Maddy Yates, Jac Kelly, Hunter Malone

Academic:  Theo Robinson, Eva Staples

Sport:  Luka Freudenberg, Henry Williams, Sam Nelson, Franco Dodd

Boarding:  Sam Beetham, Ollie Mitchell, Jacob Lane

Chapel:  John Dodds, Anore Engelbrecht   

Cultural:  Zara Jensen, Baxter Craner

House System

The House and Squad systems operate vertically across the school, bringing boys and girls of all ages into contact and providing our juniors with connections to wonderful role models in our older students. Houses foster pride and social integration, and it has been a school tradition for as long as Hereworth has been providing education.

Every student from years 0 - 8 is allocated a house when they start at Hereworth. Family links are respected and followed. If there is no family link then students are put into houses evenly. There is healthy competition across the entire School, and every house wants to win.

Named after past masters and staff members, the houses are:

Rickard (yellow)

Grant (blue)

Elder (red)

Reeve (green)

At the end of every year, the students in each house elect two House Captains for the following year. The House Captains are expected to set an example to others in their attitude and behaviour, and to assist in the running of the House.

House Captains for 2024

Elder - Franco Dodd & Noah Williams

Reeve - Eva Staples & Freddie Fleming

Grant - Cameron Kruger

Rickard - Jimi Thornton & Henry Williams

Our students earn House points for all Inter-House activities, such as Swimming, Athletics, Sandy Lane, House Music and other inter-house sports matches, and the winning House is awarded the House Shield for Inter-House.

Merit points earned in the class also go towards House points and all are collated and included in the overall total at the end of the year.

The House System at Hereworth is as old as the school itself and is designed to:

• Give each student a sense of belonging to a group who encourages them, regardless of their ability.

• Provide an opportunity to forge friendships with boys and girls throughout all years of the school.

• Allows for friendly rivalry and competition, which in turn fosters greater school spirit.