Streaming Maths at Hereworth

At Hereworth, we pride ourselves on our rigorous and comprehensive mathematics program, meticulously designed to foster a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and skills.

Why Streaming?

Our maths classes are streamed so students can move ahead at a suitable pace that matches their ability, leaving no student behind.

Streaming ensures the students are challenged and their learning is targeted and appropriate. This allows teachers to move ahead with students who require enrichment while other classes may move at a pace more suited to their learning, coupled with smaller class sizes, offering more support.

Traditional Teaching Methods

Through our commitment to traditional teaching methods, our experienced teachers ensure that each student receives a solid foundation in mathematics, empowering them to excel in this critical subject.

Surpassing the National Standards

Our dedication to academic excellence is further evidenced by our Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) data, which consistently demonstrates that our students surpass national norms in mathematics proficiency. All children receive 1 hour of Maths teaching each day. Hereworth follows the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum.

Children use age-appropriate digital platforms to reinforce concepts, support and enrichment 

Years 1, 2, 3 Maths Whizz

Years 4, 5, 6 Mathletics

Years 7 and 8 IXL, Moneytime