Scholarships for 2026

Scholarship applications for 2026 are now open

To be able to send a son or daughter to Hereworth is a gift for life. Making lifelong friends, learning strong traditions and values, and becoming a Hereworth Old Boy or Old Girl - these are things to treasure. 

As one of the leading independent preparatory schools in New Zealand, Hereworth offers an environment where hard work, honesty, integrity, good character and excellence are encouraged. We are committed to being accessible, giving opportunities to students with great character, who will contribute positively to our school culture.

Scholarship recipients share their talents, encourage others around them and demonstrate that they will contribute positively to society beyond Hereworth. Students who take up the opportunity of a scholarship need to understand that such an opportunity brings responsibilities – to Hereworth, their families and themselves.

Don’t miss an incredible opportunity to positively influence your child’s future and help them reach their potential.

To view and apply for  the available scholarships for Hereworth in 2026, please use the buttons below.

Please note - Scholarship applications for 2026 will close at 5.00pm Monday 14 April and no late applications will be accepted.